Project Management Certification

CAPM Exam Simulation, (BPJSTK)

CAPMĀ® Exam Simulation is designed to represent the CAPMĀ® exam as it appears in 2023, specially:

- Most questions are Multiple Choice with a single selection
- Timed 180 minute exam with no timed exam break
- Full, balanced exams consist of 150 questions

Memorizing the answers to the questions from the simulation exam will not help you pass the exam. So taking test after test to experience all of the questions and trying to memorize how to answer is not a path to success. We recommend that you review the materials from your education in project management. Study the contents and then take your first full simulation.

When you score your simulation exam you'll learn if you passed (score of 75% or more) or if you need more study time.
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 1
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 2
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 3
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 4
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 5
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 6
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 7
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 8
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 9
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 10
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 11
  • CAPM Exam Simulation 12
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed